Who am I and why do I have this webpage?
Swedish Greek living in Africa. In 2010 I graduated from Stockholm School of Economics and since 2011 i work internationally in Emerging markets. Summertime I usually try to go to Rhodes, Greece to hang out with as many other Giallourakises as possible. I am married and have two sons.
Why this page, who cares anyway?
Basically I was tired of my gmails and hotmails and studentmails, so I registered the domain to get a cooler e-mail address, and got the page for free.
If you ever find this page, I assume I've sent you an e-mail and you check out the domain, or, you are a Giallourakis yourself and googled your name.
I have no ambitions to keep this page up to date or filled with any content. Find me on LinkedIn
Contact me: andreas@giallourakis.net
Giallourakis.net webmail can be found here